Saturday, July 5, 2008

On the depressing discovery of a thermometer

Yes, I am online two days in a row more out of a desire to spend a half hour in the semi-air conditioned little room than an actual desire to use the computer again in such a short period of time. Mostly this was prompted by discovering the little thermometer my family has hanging on the house in the shade. It registered a lovely 43 degrees centigrade in the shade which, with the help of my handy dandy phone converter, I discovered is about 109.4 degrees fahrenheit. Damn! And this isn't the hot season or the hot part of the country! Damn!
On a lighter note I'm going to share with you all my little mishap from my first day at my host family about a week ago. I'd been sitting incomprehensibly among my new friends for about an hour and a half when I found myself with a pressing need for the bathroom. They call them Turkish toilets but really they're everywhere in the developing world, squat exercises. Whoo! Anyway, my family, ever helpful, gave me a rather large box of water to take with my to the toilet for the purpose of washing once I'd finished my business, it's all very technical and I don't want to bore you with the details. I neglected, in my care to avoid spilling the water down the front of my clothes, to note the diminutive size of the doorway to the toilet and attempted rather accidentally a karate head-to-concrete move. As it turns out, disappointingly, I do not have inherent martial arts skills and am not a secret ninja in disguise because the concrete won this little headbutting contest and I bled all over the place to the immense concern of everyone within a hundred yards. The PCMOs were called, my language facilitator (Sy Samba, he's amazing) showed up fortuitously moments later with my bags and I was rushed off to the PC center for some more poking and prodding by some folks on the phone with the PCMO in Nouakchott. It was determined that I would probably live and I got quite a lot of bandages and disinfectant and was returned to my family compound wherein the bleeding slowed and eventually stopped several hours later. Long story short, I am my father's son. I briefly contemplated a rematch with the concrete in which I would have the advantage of a running start but some friends remarked that this might not be the brightest idea and maybe I had brain damage after all. I reassured them by telling them it was the kind of idea I would have contemplated before too. Hey, at least i didn't get accidentally converted to Islam... oh yeah, it happened. Emily Nelson showed me up in first day blunders with that little gem.
Alright everyone, I'm off to language class, have a lovely weekend and don't forget to write!


Allison said...

I want to know a couple of things...Did you get to use the bathroom? :P Did you show the medical officers the other scars on your head? Did you tell them your dad lived close to the emergency room for a reason and you take after him?

Love you lots, Kiddo. Miss you too and really enjoy your blogs.

Oh, I can't tell you how many times you told me you wanted to live someplace warm. Be careful what you wish for!

Anna or Gabi depending on how I know you said...

Hi John! So glad to hear that you didn't die so soon into your PC service! I just wandered onto your lovely blog and am wondering if perhaps I shall be joining you in a bit less than a year in Mauritania...or at least your current continent. I have a nomination to teach English in Francophone sub-saharan Africa starting June ' I've got all the medical shit to get through and then it'll be decision-making time I guess...oi.
Hope all is well!

John's Pop said...

What th hell? Your father's son? What is THAT supposed to mean? I have never hurt my head in Mauritania, not even accidentally. By the way, you definitely bleed more in really hot weather than in really cold weather. Great choice for a home when you KNOW you will be bleeding every twice in a while. So did you add any new head stitches to your collection? Mild or severe concussion? PLEASE stop now, it is not a contest...